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  • Fashion Responsive

Our Mission

IIFA, Fashion Institute of high-end fashion and fashion-related management has its roots firmly set in the history of arts and crafts in India & abroad. Although its teaching is inspired by the tradition of fashion and art, it meets the most exacting academic standards on a India scale. IIFA Institute, whose Institute are located in-------, has been operating in -------for more than ----- years. IIFA is a rare Example of a truly international fashion under totally independent management. Together with its directors and teachers, IIFA is privileged to be able to draw on the heritage of India historical know-how in the fields of art and design. We have made it our mission to transfer this know-how to younger generations, to draw out their creativity, teaching them the best methods and practices in the luxury sector in general, and particularly in the fashion sector. Over and above teaching in the strict sense of the word, we aim to demonstrate to students a certain attitude: that of work done well, elegance, delivered with precision and creativity. IIFA is a rare example of one of the truly international institute in its sector. Our value lies in our exposure to the world and the interaction that allows the 50 nationalities constituting its student and teacher force to share in the projects and daily life taking place within our Institute. We pride our students into tomorrow's headliners in the world of fashion and luxury, across all continents.


Our Values

Our unite collaborators, teachers and students around the principles of humanity, mutual respect and efficiency in the way in which they operate: responsiveness, flexibility, mutual assistance and cultivating a sense of "work done well" - all key principles driving the actions of IIFA collaborators.

Owing to our standing as an international educational institution, we have a duty to respect the laws and customs of our country. We are also mindful of ensuring we earn the trust of our managements through a balanced approach in our interactions.
With the glamorous reputation the industry has earned, it’s not hard to see why positions in the fashion industry are so popular. However, glamour is far from the only benefit. Claire Payne explains why beating off the competition will most certainly be worth the time and effort.

Our Campus


F -15, Madhu Vihar, Near Kadkadi More Flyover
(Near Preet Vihar Metro Station)


Plot No.1, 2nd Floor, Bharat Garden
Main Matiyala Road Uttam Nagar,
(Near Nawada Metro Station)
New Delhi-110059


176 1st Floor, Haiderpur
Main Bus Stand
(Near Haiaderpur Metro Station)
Delhi - 110088


Plot No.1148,Gali No,15,Rithala
(Near Rithala Metro Station)


303, M.Y. Estate, M.B. Road, Saidulijab (Near Saket Metro Station)


Plot No. 36/2, Chimes Tower
2nd Floor, Vakil Market, DLF Phase 4
Gurgaon (Near MG Road Metro Station)
Haryana - 122002


B-2,Plot No.68,
Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate,
Badarpur(Near Badarpur Metro Station)